Displays and scripting

Discuss issues and ideas you have to configuring displays with PowerVision
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Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:54 am

Displays and scripting

Post by mbowdich » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:06 am

Is there a published list of which displays and controllers support scripting and which do not, or is it as simple as color does and monochrome does not across all platforms (MPCs included)?

Is the lack of scripting in the monochrome displays a hardware limitation or software, and is there the potential for support in the future?
Enovation Controls Development
Enovation Controls Development
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Re: Displays and scripting

Post by stalley » Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:22 am

Hello mbowdich,

You are correct, color displays have scripting, monochrome do not.

So far, the processor and memory have been the limitations. Now that the R2 hardwares have been released, things are changing.

Right now there is a lot of talk around here about PowerVision Configuration Studio 3.0. What features will be in, what will be out, what will be in but different... There has been some discussion about scripting, will Angel Script still be the script engine, what about Pearl or something more commonly used these days? Python seems to be everywhere...

Are there features that you would really like to see in a future PowerVision?

There is a topic in Request Features about being able to compare versions of configs. I think this would be an enormous help. How about you?

As the hardware has more resources, the configs can get bigger and more complex. I think the PowerVision config file system needs to support collaborative developement similar to how we develop applications.

These are my two favorite features to talk about...

If you or anyone has an idea for a feature for PowerVision Configuration Studio 3.0, start a topic in the Request Features forum and use "3.0" in the subject. Right now, we can think beyond how we write configs and what the PowerVision development environment is like today, what should it be? What would make you more productive? What would make PowerVision Configuration Studio 3.0 awesome?
Sara Talley
Software Engineer
Enovation Controls