Issue with lower level layer showing over a higher layer

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Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:54 am

Issue with lower level layer showing over a higher layer

Post by mbowdich » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:15 am

I just finished making a settings page that adjusts the units. It is on the menu layer. Before I make my extra screen process, I set my main layer to an empty view (I accidently did not set the menu layer to a blank view). When I recall my main and menu layers after the unit change and screen process, the main layer is the only one visible on the screen, but the buttons for the menu layer are the ones that are active.

Now, I have fixed the issue by setting the menu screen also to a blank view before the extra screen process. Everything works as expected, now.

The issue still remains that there is a way to get a lower layer graphics to view on top of an upper layer, with the upper layer buttons active.
Posts: 209
Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:54 am

Re: Issue with lower level layer showing over a higher layer

Post by mbowdich » Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:40 am

Something else to add to the above. Any layer that happens to have a view up when the units are changed will recact this way. I also had a transparent page on the settings layer (only using the buttons in the view) when changing units. The buttons worked, but if I press the button to change that view to one with graphics on it, the buttons changed, but the graphics did not show. It may be that a different page needs to come into view for it to start working again (I was only changing between views on the same page), but I do not know.

Additionally, I found that after changing units, my hidden gauges that were visible (I manipulate them with screen.hide and were missing after changing units. Even changing pages did not bring them back. I had to add a call to the event that shows them after the last screen prcocess when units are changed.